Mountain Safety Research

To: The Open Organization
From: Marko TubicDivisional Sales and Marketing Manager
Subject: My Open Organization Experience
At Mountain Safety Research I am accountable for the performance of our Sales and Marketing efforts.  MSR has: grown an average of 20% a year, restructured, used work teams, introduced dynamic new products, developed creative sales programs, been committed to on time delivery, higher inventory turns, gotten more from less, become customer orientated and on and on...

As I reflect on my 20+ years of being associated with the outdoor industry (and all the above buzz words), graduating from a fine business school, and on all the great accomplishments I have had in my career I can honestly say that the most important thing I have done to date was participate in the three day Open Organization sessions.

The Open Organization helped me realize that the struggles I face at work start with the struggles inside me.  It helped give me better tools to communicate and to understand my and others motivations.  I gave up some of the anger I was carrying around and improved my emotional education.  As I say these things I sound a bit "touchy feely".  Well guess what, because of the skill sets I gained in the Open Organization my division and the organization:

I have found The Open Organization an enriching professional and personal journey.  It required me to look into myself in a way I had never done, and I was given the education and tools in how to do so.  I was so impressed that I supported my key personnel in Sales and Marketing as well as Research and Development to take the course together.

I have attended many business related courses.  The Open Organizations focus on the soft side, the interpersonal side, yet with a hard skills approach was fantastic for me.  If someone wants to be a leader of people, and not just a manager or supervisor, I would highly encourage them to become involved with the Open Organization.  It has been for me a rewarding journey that continues and grows long after the course is complete.  I use and improve on the skill sets I learned daily.  Thank you so much for giving me the tools to improve myself on a professional and personal level.