Trammell Crow

Gary Eyring
The Open Organization
2600 2nd Avenue
Suite 1205
Seattle, WA 98121

Dear Gary:

Trammell Crow Company in Seattle has worked with The Open Organization for 2 years. We have utilized a variety of your services for establishing business processes, developing management skills and improving our relationship building skills, both internally and with our clients.

As a company that provides outsourced facilities management and real estate services, a significant, ongoing challenge we face is the efficient integration of new staff brought into our culture from the clients we serve.

Over the past two years, many of our managers have attended Working Relationships and a four-month Accelerated Growth Program customized for Trammell Crow Company. We continue to involve our staff in The Open Organization's skills enhancing workshops, many of which are customized to address our needs.The skills learned in these programs have resulted in significant improvements in our ability to get work done more efficiently through:
    *reduction of new staff transition time from 18 months to 6 months
    *less defensiveness and political paralysis
    * improved ability to employ new problem solving skills; and
    * improved business processes with clear and measurable objectives and goals

We can say with sincerity that as an organization we having more fun, getting more work done and making more money.  Our estimate is that the investment we have made to date in the The Open Organization’s work has produced a tenfold result.We are extremely pleased to have had the opportunity to work with you in the past and to continue into the future.

Cordially,Trammell Crow Company

George Williams
Area Director